Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Journey Begins here :)

This is where my journey began for a better future for my daughters and myself. Earlier this year, after much consideration I returned to school. I have dreamed of this for many years while never thinking that this would be a possibility for me to do.  I have two daughters that I absolutely love to spend time with while working a job that is part-time but often has full-time hours. After being married for about 8 years I got divorced and after some adjustment I hit the ground running without looking back. I decided that I would work whatever jobs I needed to so that I could raise my daughters.

                After losing the job that I was working during my divorce, due to my attendance with the divorce proceedings and becoming a single parent of two young girls. I found a job at a company that I never thought I would work for. It was a taxi company, while this was a last resort that lasted nearly a year. It did give me a nice mental map of our area that later came in handy.  I had heard of an opening in a job that would be great for me, seeing as to how I was a single mom with two kids in school. It was with the local School Bus Company. I have currently worked at the bus company for the last 5 years and while I love my job, I am ready for a change.  The job has been great to raise my kids, since I was home when they were out of school during holidays.  I have had many opportunities to see a variety of places on field trips, including some with my daughters over the years. However, it is time for me to get out of the bus and finally achieve my long lost dream of college.

                In March 2011, I took the big step and contacted the University of Phoenix Online admission offices. This school allows me the freedom needed to still work and maintain my family while getting my education. I had originally decided to go for a degree in Accounting. Which is what I have always dreamed of but after looking at the market in our area, I decided that would not be the best choice for me.  I have recently changed that major to Health Care Administration with a concentration in Medical Records.  With the support of my boyfriend (our story is for another time) and my daughters I have worked continuously since March until now, October 2011.  There have been times that I have wanted to quit school but my daughters are very persistent that I continue my journey.

                I was recently given an assignment in my Humanities class to write a Blog. Seeing as I have never written one before, I contacted a great friend of mine and asked her about hers. She suggested that I start one on here. So that I could complete the assignment in a more accurate way, I thought the idea was great. I even passed it on to a friend of mine that I met in my orientation class when I started classes back in March. We both felt that this idea of Connie’s was great because it also gives us the chance to continue practicing our writing.

 So the Journey Begins!